Voluminous light and truth is neither called out nor carefully curated. It is a firehose of heterogeneous worth.
When I was in the army, I was frequently subjected to classes on all sorts of topics. They were always extremely boring, long, and tedious. Reliably often, the teachers--knowing the limits of the material, their teaching ability, and the students' learning ability--would call out portions of the content that they knew were on the test. Many of them would stomp when they got to an important part. Others would do something else. I know that many of you expect that the most important parts will be cut out from the rest, neatly packed, tied with a bow, and delivered to your doorstep with signature-on-arrival to make sure you understand how important they are. There are many laws relating to delivery of light and truth, and if you ever get a package in this way, I can accurately describe some of the things this indicates. First, whoever sent it to you does not have much time or truth, because if they do this for you, they will not have time to do it for anyone else, nor time to receive ...