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Reduce your reliance upon fools

Recently, we were all shown in plainness how quickly government officials can impose absurd and arbitrary requirements on society with stiff penalties. Did you notice? Do you care? What are you doing about it?

As the world marches further from the truth, realize that the foolishness of others will have drastic implications on your daily life.

You are on a sinking ship. While the ship is guaranteed to sink, that outcome does not dictate your outcome. Rather, the sinking ship just provides constraints to which you can react in order to determine your outcome. 

If you were on a sinking ship, you would probably try to make your way to the lifeboats and launch before the rest of the ship realized the need to do so. You probably would try to avoid being in direct command of the captain, whose foolishness caused the ship to sink in the first place. You would probably want to distance yourself as much as possible from him and his crew, the latter of which did nothing to help their commander make better choices. You'd probably not base your actions on what the other passengers are doing, knowing that sinking ships are not characterized by the orderly and rational moves of the masses of passengers. 

How robust are you to the arbitrary edicts of the foolish and wicked people who comprise your elected officials, hired bureaucrats, police force, landlords, bosses, shopkeepers, and neighbors?

Do you work for someone else? Are they much wiser than you? If not, what reasonable changes can you make long term and today to reduce your dependence on your boss(es)? Can you sack away some money? Can you reduce your cost of living? Can you start a side hustle? Can you change jobs? Can you start your own business?

Do you rely on the just-in-time delivery of groceries to a local supermarket in order to eat? Do you think the multitude of people in the supply chain are wiser than you? If not, what reasonable changes can you make long term and today to reduce your dependence on the food supply chain? Can you sack away some food? Can you start to grow and store some on your own? Are there things you can do to expand your growing capacity at home, like tilling up some of your yard? Do you know how much food it takes to feed your family? Have you experimented with different crops to find what works best for your area? Do you know how to preserve food, with and without the help of modern technology and energy? Are you capable of maintaining a growth plan without the aid of running water? Can you move to a place where you can grow food more easily? 

Do you rely on pharmaceutical supply chains, health insurance, doctors, and gas or the mail for prescription drugs? Have you looked into alternatives for your drugs, such as weight loss, natural remedies, or increased mental toughness?