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A revelation about God's guidance, love, and direction

Here is a revelation I once received for someone, but it is comprised of principles that will help anyone:

You are in my hands. I know you. I lead you. I guide you. I own you. You are mine. I have kept you in my hands and guided you until now, and I will continue to lead and guide you to the pastures I have prepared for you.

I have sent you as a flash of light and a shaft of lightning into the darkness of the spot in my vineyard where I have planted you. Arise and shine. Take my light and shine it to all you know, using wisdom, love, and sincerity, and I will use you to call forth my children from the darkness in which they sit. 

I have sent you as a sheep among wolves, but those who are with you are much greater than those who oppose you. I am your shield and your protection, and I will be your arm and your strength. Fear not what men can do. The bonds between us are stronger than anything they can give or take away. I have conquered everything that can concern you. Follow me, trust me, and feel my strength inside you. 

Do not make the mistake of feeling your present position is new or foreign. I have led you every step of the way to this point, and the present is merely the conveyance to the future I have prepared for you. Live in the now, but be cognizant of the eternal span of my plans for you. You are precisely what I need you to be now, and by doing exactly what lies before you, I will make you everything I need you to be later. Step by step, layer upon layer, and wave upon wave, I will reveal to you every increment of my love for you. Be steadfast and strong in me.