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Jared Eastley's "Pocket Protocols"

Jared Eastley posted a list of protocols he aspires to live by. I think they are pretty solid. He gave me permission to repost a few of them here, and you can read his full list if you feel so inclined.

Always do that which yields the best value, the best benefit, and the best outcome—short term and long term, individually and universally.

Always seek to better understand the character and perfections of Jesus Christ, and to manifest Him in how you live every day of your life.

Continually ask yourself:

  • What do you sincerely believe Jesus would do? And what would Jesus NOT do?
  • What would the ideal you do? And what would the ideal you NOT do?
  • What would a real hero do? And what would a hero not do? Be the hero in your own journey.

Always tell the truth, or at least don’t lie.

Always do what’s best, or at least don’t do any harm.

Do not sacrifice your standards or ideals for short-term convenience.

Be honest. Do not rationalize. Think things through.

Do not just go the easy way. Do not operate by the Feel-Good mode of thinking; but rather, do what is truly best.