Over the last few years, as the Lord has unfolded to me much of what will happen prior to and after his return, I have felt a tremendous urgency to share these things with others. The consequences of these events are without equal, and many of these things have not been revealed since the foundation of the world. I care about others, and I value what God tells me, and the combination of these two motivations gives me a deep desire to share what I have been told. However, the Lord has made it crystal clear to me that I need to carefully write these things into books rather than sporadically emit pieces of them on this blog or in videos. He has repeatedly given me many convincing reasons, and every time I bring it up again, he reminds me of all the reasons, and usually gives me even more. Yesterday, I was listening to this video. [Sidenote: I try to find situations throughout my days when what I'm doing won't suffer by my listening to something, and I try to find things worth li
Explaining the prophecies and the scriptures to all who desire to hear them. (Mosiah 27:35-36)