I wrote this on a YouTube video , and I figured someone might find value in it: As you said, little girls are much inclined to beauty and good, in the deepest sense of the words. I don't think it's just social imprinting alone that turns them away from it as they age. You said in another video that every man a woman is with splits her soul. Generalizing a bit, I think young ladies--consciously or not--realize the weight of the importance of who they choose to invest their heart into. It's a horrifically important decision, and when it is made poorly or cheaply (as it most often is), the heart waxes cold on every successive attempt. Less to give and less willing to give with each successive one. It's easy to tell someone facing that situation that there is some easy alternative. It's an easy lie to tell. Much harder: telling young ladies that they ought to have extremely high standards in men and prefer being alone to being with a man who is not worth loving with all
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