In COVID, God provided everyone in the world irrefutable evidence of the extreme fragility of modernity. Society today requires that every single piece in the highly complex whole work exactly as it is intended to, all the time. COVID should have reminded people that this assumption is foolish to rely upon. In COVID, God provided everyone in the world irrefutable evidence that world leaders are absolute fools with dreadfully insufficient understanding of second- and third-order effects, as well as basic economics and familiarity with normal life, and that they are unable to resist the temptation of sacrificing the welfare of any and everyone else for their own personal benefit. Everyone should now realize that the only tools they have are to print more money, draw up edicts, and enforce them at the point of a gun. These tools are woefully incapable of addressing any of a very large set of potential problems. In COVID, God provided everyone in the world with irrefutable evidence of the
Explaining the prophecies and the scriptures to all who desire to hear them. (Mosiah 27:35-36)