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The worst way to react to God's merciful warning shots

In COVID, God provided everyone in the world irrefutable evidence of the extreme fragility of modernity. Society today requires that every single piece in the highly complex whole work exactly as it is intended to, all the time. COVID should have reminded people that this assumption is foolish to rely upon. 

In COVID, God provided everyone in the world irrefutable evidence that world leaders are absolute fools with dreadfully insufficient understanding of second- and third-order effects, as well as basic economics and familiarity with normal life, and that they are unable to resist the temptation of sacrificing the welfare of any and everyone else for their own personal benefit. Everyone should now realize that the only tools they have are to print more money, draw up edicts, and enforce them at the point of a gun. These tools are woefully incapable of addressing any of a very large set of potential problems.

In COVID, God provided everyone in the world with irrefutable evidence of the fragility of their lifestyle choices. Where they work, where they live, and how many resources they have stored were all put to the test. The assumptions they rely upon were plainly manifest. Any weak points are now obvious.

And what, if anything, have you done about these revelations? If you are like most people, you followed the following cycle:

1. You denied there was a problem until you could no longer deny there was a problem.

2. You overreacted, lost your calm, and likely projected your sudden perceived lack of security through becoming tyrannical towards others and through complying with edicts that made no scientific or logical sense.

3. You grew used to "the new normal," then lied to yourself that it wasn't so bad, ignoring everything you could have learned and making exactly none of the changes you now have sufficient reasons to make.

This is the worst possible way to react to God's merciful warning shots. 

God's end times judgments are not being sent all at once. They happen in cascading waves. While some ebb is mixed in with the flow to preserve the maximal opportunity to exercise faith for the longest possible time, the trend will be clearly increasing in frequency and intensity. 

COVID will not be the last plague that hits the world. There will be more. There will be worse--much worse. Even if it's not the very next one, the US will face a plague that kills an extraordinary amount of people, that breaks the economy so thoroughly that no amount of stimulus can keep it functioning. The cities and suburbs will face other-worldly disruption where people do radical things to preserve their lives amidst stacked, abandoned bodies, and distant rural areas will consist of people holed up for an extended period, surviving on whatever food and water they have on site. Even still, that plague will not be the end of the world. Humans are extraordinarily resilient creatures. Life will go on, and even after such extreme circumstances, people will get used to a "new normal."

God provides these lighter preliminary waves to prepare; to see more plainly the changes we should make to be best equipped for greater challenges to come. Those who listen will be much better off, and much more capable of extracting the value God intends to provide through these what is to come.

It is just like when God sends you an inspired dream predicting the future. The purpose of such dreams are to make it easier for you to act better than you would otherwise would either to become capable of reaching outcomes you wouldn't otherwise reach or to be stronger to endure things by which you would otherwise be overcome.

The global famine that is upon us and will unfold over the next year is just like COVID. COVID was a legitimate plague. It had all the properties of a real plague, and exposed all the foolishness of society's reaction to a real plague. You know exactly what to expect when a bigger one comes. This famine is a real famine. It will probably at least double the annual deaths due to malnutrition, but also dramatically increase the much more numerous "hidden" lifelong casualties of malnutrition (physical and IQ stunting) among the young who experience it. Nevertheless, it is unlikely anyone will die of starvation in the United States, and not just because most adults are so overweight that they eating absolutely nothing for three months would only result in them shrinking back to normal. When global food shortages increase, rich countries will simply pay more. Those with less to eat will be in poor countries. The first worlders will glibly shirk off the inconvenience of intermittently empty grocery shelves, unfazed by the dramatic new suffering of far off people. Their insufferable obstinance in the face of these warnings is a critical part of God's obligation, through justice, to eventually destroy them through much stiffer versions of the same exact situations.