I received an email from someone asking for help in helping a family member navigate a faith crisis. The family member was raised LDS, but has decided to abandon all LDS-only ideas as a result of the LDS leadership having been so wrong about COVID. The family member apparently takes issue with their impression that there is no archeological evidence for the Book of Mormon. He asked: "Any suggestions on what I might do to help him accept the Book of Mormon as scripture?" Here is my reply: It sounds like he's told you that he has no reasons to believe it is true. So the solution would be to provide some reasons that it is true. It turns out there is plenty of archeological evidence for the Book of Mormon, some of which is extremely strong. I personally wouldn't go down that path, because anyone honest enough to be persuaded by it will have already found it. It's not that hard to do. And this gets us to the point. Who cares if he thinks the Book of Mormon is true? So
Explaining the prophecies and the scriptures to all who desire to hear them. (Mosiah 27:35-36)