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The spirit of gathering

I have said and written various things over the years about the idea of gathering. The Lord has taught me a lot about this topic. He has also shown me how, like most valuable things he teaches me, trying to say a little about it will cause more harm than good, and that I have to wait until I can appropriate lay out everything before I say much of anything about it. It's one of many topics that requires one to understand other prerequisite ideas in order to avoid doing things that would lead to greater harm than good or enabling nefarious or simply ignorant people to cause great harm by misusing the ideas.

However, I will say that for some time now there have been people who have been getting snippets of the information I'm referring to. God is inspiring many people on many topics that are vital to his plan for the winding up of this world. This is just one of them. While time will tell how many of these people yield to more (or more accurate) information on these topics when they encounter people who have received it, the good news is that, for anyone with the discernment to catch the correct and filter out the incorrect ideas in such sources, they provide a ready-made free sample so that you don't have to wait for the main event to start receiving the blessings.

Here I have to disclaim that any external links I post here do not indicate I am uniformly endorsing what is said. I find value in at least some of what is said, and I probably have strong arguments against much of what is said.

There are many places of gathering already in operation. Some people are being explicitly gathered--they are moving to a certain place for the overt reason of gathering. Many others are being implicitly gathered--they are moving to a place due to recent economic or legislative changes or what have you. 

One such place of gathering is Moscow, Idaho, where a group of evangelical Calvinists are explicitly gathering. Here is one of their leaders making an interesting argument about gathering. You might find some of what he says valuable,

Information like this is available out there on a host of topics. Right now, it takes a lot of time and discernment to find the needle in the haystack, both because most online resources contain nothing of value, and because those that do present a little truth but tend to be wrapped in much error or ignorance. Unfortunately, few people spend the required time, and fewer have the required discernment. Thankfully, God will increasingly reveal things of greater plainness, both in source (through sending people with a better ratio of truth to error in what they know and teach) and content (through people teaching things in a way that is clearer and easier to understand than the forms in which we presently have it).

We are blessed to live in a time where more truth will be made available and with greater plainness than any previous time in history. Your generation will live to see it. It has already begun. Have you noticed?