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A prophecy of miracles

(Originally published 8/15/21)

As humans, we have a strong tendency to project the present to the future. We also have a strong tendency to rewrite history in our minds to project the present back to the past. 

Each tendency harms us in different ways.

The tendency to project the present into the future entices us to avoid doing what we would do if the future were presently upon us. 

The tendency to project the present into the past blinds our eyes to signs that were given that predicted the future. A model that correctly predicts the future, especially on the things that seem most unlikely, is more likely to be correct for as-yet future events. 

Because all things operate on laws of cause and effect, future predictions based on a model of cause and effect that prove to be correct suggest a model of cause and effect that accords with reality--with truth, with things as they really are. 

Most Christians today believe that God has no need of miracles, that he has done his work, and so on. Atheists obviously do not believe in miracles. There is no abundance of miracles in the Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, or other faiths. 

As a composite, what percent of the human race believes miracles can happen? What percent could say they've seen a miracle happen? What percent could say they know how to generate one?

Take note of the present situation, because it is about to be a thing of the past.

Here is the good news: In our generation, God will show that he has not ceased to be a God of miracles (see Mormon 9:15). The present generation will see an outpouring of miracles that surpasses what was described in the book of Acts. He will reveal the mechanism of miracles as part of his revelation of all things prior to his Second Coming, and having an instruction manual, his disciples will go forth working mighty miracles in his name. 

God's miracles will be so numerous that you will struggle to find someone who doesn't know someone well who has not experienced miracles of the same class as those in the scriptures. 

You'd think that this would convert a lot of people. It will, but there must be opposition in all things. 

While the outpouring of miracles will feed those who love God and give strong reasons to those who would believe in God if only they had a reason to, there will be many who harden their hearts. For these, the flood of public miracles will merely make them worse. What's more, in opposition to God's outpouring of light, Satan will also become more public in the working of miracles.

Regardless, because you know what is coming, its arrival will serve as a sign to you that God knows all things before they happen, and that he reveals his mysteries and works to those who love him.