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What would happen if you suddenly got what you deserved?

Some months ago, I finished a book on God's justice. I haven't published that book yet. I have to first publish on the broader topic of God's character, that book is taking a very long time to complete, and I am busier than I've ever been.

I'm regularly pinged on ideas that I could blog about, and most of them I offload into books or notes for later, keeping my time focused so as to maximize the benefit of my communication rather than minimize time to publication.

Among the many thoughts that I could blog on came the following tidbit, closely related to much more that I've written in the aforementioned unpublished book. This one has spilled over the dam.

Consider the following:

There is a divinely-appointed price for everything. This is what defines "merit."

For which of all things, people, and situations that you value have you paid the divinely-appointed price?

In other words, if some great switch were flipped, and everything was suddenly reconciled to justice, what would you gain, and what would you lose?

You can't have the book on justice yet. But if you want to make the most of the time before having access to it, consider what changes you should make in your desires and actions so that, were justice suddenly poured out, it would result in your benefit.

As we survey our modern society, we will see that:

-Almost nothing that is valued by people today has divine merit.

-Almost nothing that is possessed by people today has been merited by those people.

One way of describing the outcomes of the end times is:

-What is valued by people will reconcile to what God values.

-What is possessed by people will reconcile to what they deserve.

The process of reconciliation to divine justice has already begun, and will accelerate as we approach the culmination of this creation.