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When people board the crazy train

"All aboard! ....ha ha ha ha..." (Ozzy Osbourne, Crazy Train)

Risk is the composite of opportunity and danger. Where one component exists, there is also the other in equal and opposite abundance.

All disciples of Christ will necessarily embrace more of both. The gospel is not just a vehicle for providing what is better, but also the tools to protect us from the increase in danger that always attends the same.

It is always with great grief that I perceive that a what appeared to be a fellow sojourner in the path turned aside to obvious falsehoods.

It is good to get away from the idea that all people and things must be all good or all bad. Goodness and badness is a question of motive, not material, and when we force something or someone into a binary state, we lose the benefit of taking the good wherever it can be found. It's wonderful to be able to recognize value in some aspects of a person, thing, or situation without being bound to what you see as less than the best you know in other aspects.

While it is typically possible for me to see the elements of error within a person's purview, it is not yet so easy for me to see whether a person will allow it to metastasize into something that terminally inhibits their growth in truth.

Recently, I was advised that a person with a YouTube ministry that I had suggested was worth checking out has exceeded the tolerance of error found in a good motive, and that saddens me.

In her place, I recommend checking out this gentleman. Hopefully, he stays off the crazy train.

As you see gathering play out, you will find the following to be common: Someone will come across your path who has value to impart to you, you will take up all you find valuable from them, and it will become obvious that it is time to move upward to greater things than they can provide. They may or may not go with you.